Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Organization XIII and Nobodies

Organization XIII is a group of Nobodies; nobodies are people who have no hearts, because the darkness in their hearts got out of control, and couldn't be managed. When this happens a shadow heartless is created, and if the heart is strong enough it leaves behind the body which we call Nobodies. Organization XIII's goal is to get there hearts back by creating Kingdom Hearts by having Roxas and Xion, the newest members of the group to fight Heartless, and collect the hearts from them. What special about the two is that they are the only Key Blade users in the group, and only those with Key Blades can collect the hearts from the heartless. 

Vetus, Sora, and Roxas
Nobodies are said to not have any feelings, and don't have really any emotion,because they do not have there hearts anymore, but I find it interesting that there are many of them who, show emotions and that they have feelings. I think this maybe, because of Roxas. Roxas is a special kind of Nobody, and he actually does have a heart, because of his encounter with Sora, back when he was Ventus, but because Sora gave him is heart he became Soras nobody named Roxas. An interesting fact about the organization is that you get a new name, and what find to be fun about that is it is there old name backward or slightly mixed up with an X in like Lea became Axel, and since Ventus had Soras heart it went of Soras name and he became Roxas. Organization XIII is an interesting group, and it is so much fun learning about all there little secrets as you go through the game.

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